Garcinia subelliptica

Common Names: Happiness Tree/Philippine Fortune Tree/Fukugi Tree (English), フクギ (Japanese), 福木/菲島福木 (Chinese)
Scientific Name:
 Garcinia subelliptica Merr. [1]
Family: Clusiaceae [1]

Natural Distribution: Japan’s Ryukyu Islands (some say they were introduced by the early Ryukyuans), Taiwan (Green Island, Orchid Island and possibly Hengchun Peninsula) and Philippines (Babuyan Islands, Luzon). [2, 3]
Natural Habitat: Lowland tropical and subtropical rainforest or coastal rainforests
Description: Evergreen tree that usually grows to around 10-15 m max. Long, smooth, elliptical, opposite leaves are around 10-15 cm long and 5-8 cm wide. [4, 5]
Flower: Monoecious, but sometimes dioecious too. Numerous flowers when blooming. Flowers are small and have white (pale greenish yellow) petals, around 1cm in diameter. Flowering occurs around April-May.
Fruits: The ripe fruit is yellow and has a pungent smell. Fruit is reportedly edible. Each fruit usually has 2-3 seeds within but can hold up to 5. Fruit is around 3-5 cm in diameter.  [3, 4] Fruiting occurs in summer around July-August.

Seeds: Seeds are recalcitrant [3]. General rule is that most Garcinia species have recalcitrant seeds and they may take several weeks to germinate (even if temperatures are cool but still moist). The roundish elliptical seed grows to roughly 4 cm wide. Continue reading “Garcinia subelliptica”