As the name of the blog suggest, I wish that one day I can grow a rainforest, where various organisms can come and inhabit the forest and thrive. Why rainforest? Because rainforests contain the highest biodiversity than any other types of forests and with that diversity of plants, I wish to be able to learn more about the forest ecosystem, learn the uses of certain plants and most important of all, live sustainably with the forest I grow. Quite an uncommon dream but I know there are some people like me out there and so I want to share my journey for those who also want to embark on planting a rainforest!

I have wanted to share the plants that I grow online for quite some time but I was never able to do so because of study and in addition, I regularly move between 2 or more cities (Taipei, Perth and Melbourne). This makes it sort of difficult for me to take care of the plants I grow in each city, and also it becomes difficult to document and take photos of them at every stage of growth. Since 2018, I have collected more plants and are able to successfully grow them thanks to my family’s and friends’ help, and therefore I am continuously growing plants and taking photos of them for this blog! Usually, I collect plants seeds, I seldom buy plants. I mainly grow tropical plants, and most are trees, however I am on a lookout for more epiphytes and understorey plants!

I must say that growing plants is not an easy task. I am not an expert at planting; I have never studied agriculture, botany nor horticulture. The internet is such a great resource; most of my ways of planting are learnt from the internet. Otherwise it is just trial and error. But for some species of plants, there are not many available information online, let alone trying to find pictures of them. Hopefully this blog will not only give people a chance to see rare plants that they have never seen before and learn about them through my blog and the resources I share. Furthermore, I want to enrich the online database for some rare plant species through this blog, especially those that are endangered. The more we learn about them, the more we care about them!

I update the blog irregularly due to location. But if you do find mistakes in my blog or you would like to discuss anything with me, please inform me!

Rainforest Wishes!
Thank you for reading!